Friday 8 July, 2005


She is one of the most innovative people I have seen when it comes to asking for cash ;) Painted in all of gold paint, for an instant I thought it was a statue. But then when she moved mechanically, blinking her eyes, I realised what was happenning :P. She got lots of cash off me :)


Sathish N said...

I seen this kind of ppl near London eye too.. even I captured when one guy was driking water :-)

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anyone do anything at all like this--very innovative! Doesn't look very comfortable though...

Adventuring through Florida's WILD life! said...

I've seen this act at festivals and around for a few years now and I am always amazed. What is equally amazing is how long folks will watch them just to see a tiny movement. You probably didn't need a fast shutter speed?

vishnoi said...

@ ronalyn & rock: thanks :) she sure did deserve my change :P

@timurilenk: when i put my cash in, it was already half full :O

@ satz: driking water.... Hmmm.. that would be a nice shot.

@lara: not sure abt comfort. guess she might have been used to it by now!

@gn bassett: if i had used a fast shutter speed, then the sun would have over exposed this shot!
and yes, i agree with that, floks just stand and watch. and when u do that, u mostly do end up giving some cash :)

Anonymous said...

These people are great. I have seen them on Bourke Street in Melbourne and they are just amazing. I think in terms of asking for cash, they come right after people painting of the streets.

Just Me said...

We're all suckers for beautiful women, aren't we ? ;-)

Lorena said...

we have people doing this in chicago as well. in silver and gold. it's pretty cool. nice shot.

Anonymous said...

I'm always impressed to see these types of performers. This one is doing a very nice pose.