Thursday 4 August, 2005

Dinner Time

Well, I managed to locate some pics that I took around the hostel 7, on the eventful day, the 26th of last month.
I shall be posting a few shots from here, to show what happened to our mess, and our mess workers for that matter :). Hostel 7 , being next to the Powai lake, and at an elevation, didn't submerge into water, but we sure had our own part of fun, with water reaching our ankles during dinner time.
Here we see a mess worker, eating dinner, no later than 8.30 in the night. He sure has no worries of the water gushing into the kitchen, from the rear gate!


Adventuring through Florida's WILD life! said...

You're right, he's absolutely unconcerned. Looks like he's more interested in eating!

Anonymous said...

Water, water everywhere!

Shrini said...

Our hall was one of the better ones. Another building has an underground kitchen and dining hall which was totally flooded.
post more soon bushy. we took a lot of nice snaps that day

Anonymous said...

S Aashish youdon't stay too far away from my home, I live in Greenfields that is on JV Link Road right opposite Fantasy Land. JV Link road on that day had become a river.

Sidney said...

Some people always stay cool. This guy is probably too hungry to mind the water.